
Submit Prisoner Information

You can email an entry or update to this database with information about past or present prisoners in Iran, who were jailed since June 2009, by following these steps:

1.Copy this Email Template:

Submitted By :
*Source :
Notes :
Faith or Ethnicity :
*Prisoner Name (English) :
*Prisoner Name (Farsi) :
*Gender :
Home Town or Location :
University (if applicable) :
*Status :
Sentence :
Prison (if applicable) :
Occupation/Activity :

2. Fill in values next to corresponding label names. 

For example, Prisoner Name (English) : Ali Alinezad.
Fields marked * MUST be completed.

3. Email the completed data with photograph (if supplied) as an attachment to:

The information you send will be checked against the existing records, to avoid duplication, which sometimes happens, most often it is because of differences in the spelling of names.

You can use a temporary email address if you do not wish to be identified or contacted. 

Your email address or other personal details will not be stored or shared by me, but please communicate on the assumption that emails may be intercepted by state intelligence services, or could be made accessible to them by Google.

Thank you for helping improve the quality of the list!

Best wishes.