Saturday, 11 February 2012

Prisoner info for Younes Soleimani updated

The record for Younes Soleimani was updated.

Status: Freed
Prison: n/a
final year biology student - former managing director of the Ildirim student publication - former secretary of the Shahriyar Cultural student group 17 Jun 2010: Arrested at his parents' home in Ardabil and sent to Intel. Tabriz. 31 Aug 2010: Report: He suffered heart problems after being tortured by electric shocks in the detention center of the Intelligence Ministry in Tabriz; he also suffers from Hepatitis. Nov 2010: Released on usd220,000 bail 27 Apr 2011: Trial in Tabriz 21 May 2011: Sentenced to 6 months in prison 02 Nov 2011: Acquitted by Appeals End of Dec 2012: Arrested again and sent to Ardebil prison 07 Jan 2012: Violently beaten by prison guards after he launched a hunger strike, hospitalized in the prison clinic and forced to break his hunger strike. 11 Feb 2012: Freed at the end of his 6 months prison sentence

Sentence: 6 months

Location/Home Town: Ardebil
Faith or Ethnicity: Azeri
Occupation or Activity: Student, Journalist, Student Activist

Iran Prisoner List: