Sunday, 14 October 2012

Prisoner info for Anisa Fanaian updated

The record for Anisa Fanaian was updated.

Status: Sentenced After Appeal
Prison: n/a
Husband Siamak Iqani ( سیامک ایقانی ) is serving a 3-year sentence in Semnan prison. The couple’s business has also been closed down. They have two children, aged 2 and 7. Anisa Fana’ayan’s mother, Sahba Rezvani(صهبا رضوانی) was recently released from Evin prison, having served a three-year sentence. Muhammad Hussein Nakh`i ( محمد حسین نخعی ), an 85-year old Bahai who was arrested on May 14, is Mrs. Rezvani’s uncle. Nov 2011: Arrested and kept for 15 days Released on bail 09 Apr 2012: Trial on a charge of adhering to, and propagating, the Bahai Faith. 20 May 2012: Sentenced to 4 years ad 4 months. APpeal pending. Source: 14 Oct 2012: Sentence reduced by Appeals to 22 months

Sentence: 22 months

Location/Home Town: 
Faith or Ethnicity: Baha'i
Occupation or Activity: Other

Iran Prisoner List: