The record for Mir-Taher Mousavi was updated.
Status: Freed
Prison: n/a
Former governor of Karaj - Former Vice President of the National Security and Foreign Policy Commission - Former CEO of Kahrizak Hospice Charity - Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences University instructor - Coordination assistant of Mir Hossein Mousavi's 2009 presidential campaign 12 Aug 2012: Arrested at the airport when coming back from Turkey 22 Oct 2012: Transferred to hospital 20 Dec 2012: Order of release on bail given but Intel prevents his release 25 Feb 2013: Sentenced to 5 years in prison in Baluchistan + 10 years exile in Baluchistan 13 Mar 2013: Refuses to take needed medicine protesting illegal detention in Intel Ministry's Ward 209 18 Mar 2013: Finally transferred to ward 350 30 Jun 2013: Sentence reduced by appeals to 3 years + 2 years suspended 18 Sep 2013: Conditionally freed with less than a year remaining to serve
Sentence: 3 years + 2 years suspended
Location/Home Town:
Faith or Ethnicity:
Occupation or Activity: Political activist
Iran Prisoner List: