The record for Ahmad Zeidabadi was updated.
Status: Released on Bail
Prison: n/a
General sec of Advar organization- Freelance journalist. 13 June 2009: Arrested 08 Aug 2009: Forced to appear in show trial Bail set at 260,000 Euros Oct 2009: Moved to ward 350 after 143 days in solitary confinement Sentenced to 6 years imprisonment, 5 years in exile and lifelong deprivation of social and political activities 31 Jan 2010: Transferred from Evin public ward to an unknown location 1 Feb 2010: Transferred to Rejaei Shahr in a ward 3 with criminals 24 Jan 2011: Transferred to Ward 4 Hall 12 (security ward located in a basement) 07 Apr 2011: winner of "World Press Freedom Prize" given by UNESCO 04 Aug 2011: Released from Rejaei Shahr prison on 2 day's temporary leave 06 Aug 2011: Summoned to return to Rejaei Shahr after 2 day's leave. 07 Aug 2011: Some confusion about being granted additional leave. Friends say it was only one extra day, to allow for the long journey to and from prison. 14 Feb 2012: Listed as Rejaei Shahr inmate - 27 Mar 2012: Reported released on bail Sentence: 6 years Location/Home Town: Tehran
Faith or Ethnicity:
Occupation or Activity: Journalist, Political activist Iran Prisoner List:
Prison: n/a
General sec of Advar organization- Freelance journalist. 13 June 2009: Arrested 08 Aug 2009: Forced to appear in show trial Bail set at 260,000 Euros Oct 2009: Moved to ward 350 after 143 days in solitary confinement Sentenced to 6 years imprisonment, 5 years in exile and lifelong deprivation of social and political activities 31 Jan 2010: Transferred from Evin public ward to an unknown location 1 Feb 2010: Transferred to Rejaei Shahr in a ward 3 with criminals 24 Jan 2011: Transferred to Ward 4 Hall 12 (security ward located in a basement) 07 Apr 2011: winner of "World Press Freedom Prize" given by UNESCO 04 Aug 2011: Released from Rejaei Shahr prison on 2 day's temporary leave 06 Aug 2011: Summoned to return to Rejaei Shahr after 2 day's leave. 07 Aug 2011: Some confusion about being granted additional leave. Friends say it was only one extra day, to allow for the long journey to and from prison. 14 Feb 2012: Listed as Rejaei Shahr inmate - 27 Mar 2012: Reported released on bail Sentence: 6 years Location/Home Town: Tehran
Faith or Ethnicity:
Occupation or Activity: Journalist, Political activist Iran Prisoner List: